Our achievements
- BAC building – New Garches Ambroise Paré in Boulogne Billancourt. Research, hospital and teaching.
Containment: L1, L2 and radiation protection. Microbiology laboratory, toxicology and forensic medicine laboratory, anatomy, cytology and pathology laboratory, samu/smur regulation, doctoral students.
Surface: 7910 sqm - National Museum of Natural History - MNHN Brunoy Campus.
Microcebe primates research and teaching services.
Containment: Conventional & A2/L2 – L1
Surface: 3400 sqm - Biotech bioproject - Rennes. Preclinical research from the development of original chemical molecules to the stages preceding clinical development.
Containment: A1/L1 & L2.
Surface: 6830 sqm ) - ...
- University of Valrose Nice - Institute of Biology of Valrose (IBV), IBV ECOSEAS and ZEBRA exploration platform (A1 / L1)
- University of Brussels - the Institute of Molecular Biology and Medicine (IBMM) Gosselie site, fundamental and applied research on rodents and Zebrafish (EOPS, conventional, A1/L1, A2/L2 & A3/L3)
- University of Brussels (Erasme site), fundamental and applied research on rodents (EOPS, A1/L1 & A2/L2)
- National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) Vendargues, controls of health products, market monitoring of chemical medicines and other health products, Biological and microbiological controls of health products (L1 and & L2)
- Néovacs - Paris, research and development Kinoid technological platform (EOPS, A1/L1 & A2/L2)
- Claude Bernard University - Lyon. Aqua experimentation platform Zebra (A1/L1)
- Lab To Field Dijon. Animal nutrition research platform (A1/L1)
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- Pasteur Institute Lille: Animal Experimentation and High Technology Platform (PLETHA). Research on infectious pathogens.
Containment: A1, L1, A2, L2 and A3, L3
Surface: 1963 sqm - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE) in Tours, infectious disease research laboratories.
Containment: A3 & L3
Surface: 2100 sqm - Maison Alfort National Veterinary School (ENVA): Chauveau Building, research platform
Containment: Conventional
Surface: 4100 sqm - Maison Alfort National Veterinary School (ENVA): Nocard Building, Experimental exploration platform in veterinary medicine
Containment: Conventiona
Surface: 3200 sqm - ...
- Institut Pasteur Paris research platform Vector Diseases section (A2/L2 and A3/L3, EOPS, SOPF) Microscopy platform: Titan Kryos, Aquilos and Glacios in confinement 3
- National School of Chemistry of Paris Analytical chemistry (ENSCP), organic chemistry, physical chemistry, materials chemistry, quantum chemistry, molecular modeling, chemical engineering and biochemistry Technological platforms: mass spectrometry, ICPM, etc.
- Paris Diderot University Paris 7: Paris Diderot University Hospital Center Grand Paris Nord (CHUGPN) Medicine & Odontology research platform university hospital center (A1/L1, A2/L2 and A3/L2, EOPS, SOPF), technological platforms: mass spectrometry, ICPM, radiopharmacy, etc. ...
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